About Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ)
Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) is a program designed to give pre-teenagers a healthy platform to learn both Scripture and sportsmanship. JBQ teaches children basic Bible knowledge, from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, by quizzing over 600 Bible Trivia questions (i.e. How many books are in the New Testament?). The philosophy of Junior Bible Quiz centers on:
- FACTS: The Fact-Pak is a teaching tool to help children learn and assimilate important truths about the Bible, mastering its great teachings.
- FUN: JBQ offers a fun avenue for children to study at their own level. Team quizzing should de-emphasize competition, resisting the urge to develop superstars. Avoid a “winning is the only thing” attitude among quizzers and coaches.
- FELLOWSHIP: The wide variety of question usage, including studying with family and friends, provides a rich Christian fellowship. This fellowship is broadened as the children quiz and make friends with youth from other churches.
- FAITHFULNESS: This is a great virtue taught through quizzing. JBQ is a program in which self-discipline and accountability are learned.
Mission, Vision and Goals
To provide a ministry that assists parents, guardians and leaders with teaching God’s Word and discipling children to live a Christ-filled life VISION :
To get children excited about God’s Word GOALS :
Help families and churches see the value of the JBQ ministry in providing children with a foundational understanding of God’s Word. Create a format for JBQ that keeps children and churches motivated to study God’s Word.